Removable Dentures for Elderly Patients

Thanks to the initiative of the students and staff of the Dental Clinic, especially Ms. Zárubová and Ms. Česneková, a cooperation was established with the Blaník Retirement Home. Students of the fifth year, under the supervision of teachers and in cooperation with the prosthetic laboratory of our clinic, made complete dentures for the clients of the retirement home. The comprehensive dental treatment helped improve the clients' quality of life and the students gained valuable practical experience. Thanks also go to the ASČR ambulance service, which provided transport for the clients to and from the clinic.

The whole event was also important in the view of the unsatisfactory state of care for elderly patients who need to find a functional link between medical procedures and social services. Given the aging population and demographic forecasts, developing concepts for better integration of health and social care represent an urgent issue. The current situation is caused by a lack of capacity, inefficient financing and poor interconnection between the different components of the system.

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Department of Stomatology

Kateřinská 32
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U Nemocnice 2
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Faculty polyclinics

Karlovo náměstí 32
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